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How to Get Promoted [2021]

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What your Boss and HR Won’t Tell You

Look, by now, I'm sure you've read a lot about getting promoted. 

You've heard the typical tip "Dress for success." Check!

You know to be the first in the office and the last to leave. Done that.

You keep track of your accomplishments and do all the other "no shit" stuff. That’s great, keep do it! 

So here’s what I’m going to do. I'm going to propose a few twists and other ideas on getting promoted.  

You know, like the real-world stuff that your boss or HR probably won't tell you.

Most of these tips help you build your personal brand. As you build your brand, you'll get more opportunities to get a promotion.

After you read this article if you want help building your brand and getting a promotion, schedule a free strategy session with me. 

You can schedule a session by >>> clicking here <<<

Now, let's jump into getting you a promotion!

1. Stand out from the crowd

Everyone in your company wants the same thing. 

They want to get a promotion and move up the corporate ladder!

When you finally meet the executive with the power to change your life, they better remember YOU — not the other 200 people they talked to that week.

When I first started at GE, I put my head down and worked my ass off. I helped my teammates, landed some big deals, and flat out executed. 

You see, my big plan was to stand out with my performance, and I was on my way!

My boss loved my work. But there was a huge problem ... our team leader ... had no freaking clue who I was. NONE. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

In fact, during one of my presentations, he leaned over asked his right-hand man my name. Seriously? And, I'd been on the team for over a year.

Why? How the hell can this happen? My performance was top-notch. I was crushing it! 

You see ... just like me, my teammates were successful and performing too. 

But, they found a way to stand out, and I didn't. 

So ask yourself, "In a room full of amazing people, what are you doing to stand out?"

2. Get in shape

First, I'm sorry. This tip might piss a few people off, and I agree 100% with those people. 

For me, getting a promotion should be based on your performance towards goals. 

What you do and how you do it! 

So it sucks to tell you this, but there's evidence that getting in shape helps your career. 

How you look should have nothing to do with getting a promotion. But, if anyone tries to tell you how you look has nothing to do with how you're measured, they're lying or naïve. 

People judge. It's a sad and simple fact. 

In a Business Insider article, "Attractive People Are Simply More Successful," Daniel Hamermesh explains that attractive people earn an average of 3% or 4% more than people with below-average looks.

Mr. Hamermesh wrote a book on the subject titled "Beauty Pays: Why Attractive People Are More Successful."

There's a silver lining. Working out and getting into shape has benefits outside of income.

Studies show that as you get into shape, your self-confidence increases. Exercise is also a way to relieve stress, decompress, gather thoughts, etc. 

Shoot, you can even learn new skills or expand your knowledge while exercising. Find a book on tape or podcast. Learn as you get in shape.

You don't have to go crazy. Take small steps. Stop drinking sugar-filled crap, eat a little healthier / smaller portions, and take daily walks for 30 minutes.

It's a journey, not a sprint. Please consult with a physician first, though.

3. Lead teams outside of work

I'm sure you already know this one, but it's worth a short mention. Leading teams outside of work will help to develop management/leadership skills. 

Find a local charity, non-profit, or professional organization. Volunteer to lead teams, projects or join the board. 

I'm on the board of a local non-profit. After a few years, I'm now the Vice President and Chair of the Governance Committee. I love every moment and have grown as a person and leader.

Discuss what you're doing and learning with your colleagues and boss. Let everyone know you are taking on extra responsibilities to develop as a leader.

4. Become an expert at something everyone hates, find a better way to do it, and then teach others

We all have processes, tasks, or other things that suck but have get done. Nobody wants to do it because it's broken, archaic, or complicated.  

Bingo! This is your opportunity.

First, become the expert. Learn everything you can about the current process. 

Then, find a better, faster, or simplified way to do the same process. You become the expert and solution to the problem. 

Last, teach others to do it. 

You are now the expert everyone relies on to get the job done. Recognition baby!

5. Network like hell

You're only as good as your network. As you move up an organization, your network becomes your most important asset. 

It's the age-old saying ... "it's often not what you know but who you know." 

Did you know that people also get promoted because of the value of their network? Think about the term "value." Yes, your network has a perceived value to others.

A long time ago, I knew someone that sucked at their job. And, I'm being nice saying that. Yet, this person kept getting promoted. Eventually, they moved into a high-level role within a company. 

I kept asking myself, "How the hell can this happen?"

Then, I asked my boss. He explained that if you needed anything, I mean anything, this person could find ten people to get it done. Or someone that has the information, data, and resources you need. 

In this case, this person's network value outweighed their performance. 

So, build relationships by adding value to others—network like hell. And, do a damn good job. If you do those things, you'll be well on your way to getting a promotion.

6. Understand corporate political capital

As much as we hate it, corporate politics is a living and breathing beast. I'm not even talking about brown-nosing. 

You might find it shocking, but there's a form of corporate politics that's a system of currency trading. But, it's corporate "political currency." 

It's a simple concept to understand, but executing is a different story. When you go out of your way to do something for someone … they owe you.

When you need something from that person, you can ask for repayment.

Skilled corporate politicians build a lot of favors from high-level or strategic contacts. The higher up the corporate ladder or, the more strategic a person is … the more value a political currency carries. 

I've seen this corporate currency trading in action. It's incredible how well it works.

Be careful. This type of corporate politics can be dangerous. Execution is key. At first, you have to figure out how to do this without the other person knowing.

7. Learn to communicate

If you want to get a promotion, learn to communicate. And I mean, become a master communicator!

I've worked with 100s of executives and mid-level managers all over the world. All were good are their job. 

The single skill that separated good managers from great executives ... Communication.

Can you present a clear and concise message? 

Can you think on their feet? 

Do you answer the question first and then provide background? 

Do you pause and allow for comment versus puking the presentation?

Read your audience. Provide the information they need, not the information you want them to hear. 

Learning to communicate may require an investment of your time and money. Practice your communication skills with a colleague or join Toastmasters. 

Communication is an undeniable asset and will help you get the promotion you deserve.

8. Solve problems and remove roadblocks on your own

So you have a problem, challenge, or roadblock. Don't go to your boss with every possible reason or excuse why you can't get something done. 

Solve it yourself. 

Learn to diagnose the root cause and attempt to fix it. If you fail the first time, learn, and try an alternative solution.

If for some reason you still can't solve it on your own, then propose several solutions to your boss. Don't worry if your boss thinks those solutions are wrong. Don't get worked up if he/she disagrees with them. 

This scenario would go something like this: Boss, we have a problem. The problem is 1, 2, and 3. I've tried X, Y, and Z. All have failed. This is what I've learned. My next thought would be to try A, B, or C. What are your thoughts?

Try it. I'm serious. Your boss will appreciate the fact that you proposed solutions and not just excuses. He/she will think of you as a problem solver. 

And, problem solvers get promoted.

I hope this article helps you understand the steps to get promoted. If you'd like to build your personal brand and change your life, schedule your free strategy session by >>> clicking here <<<


Stewart Swayze

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