Build Your Brand on IG.png

 Updated Jan 22, 2022

How to Build Your Coaching Brand on Instagram

I 100% know Instagram is a powerful marketing tool for many life coaching businesses. As a coach, you cannot ignore the millions of users on the platform. 

As a marketing consultant and coach, I recommend you have social media profiles only where your audience hangs out. If your prospects aren’t on Twitter, don’t build a profile there.

Most of my business traffic comes from Facebook and LinkedIn. However, lately, I’ve seen traffic coming from Instagram.

Now, I’m developing a marketing strategy to grow my coaching Instagram account. Follow me, I give tons of tips on attracting your ideal coaching clients online.

  1. Create an Instagram Business Account - If you haven’t already created a business account, it’s easy. Go into your settings -> account -> switch to a business account. Click, bang, and boom. Done.

  2. Have a Defined Goal or Strategy - Don’t build an Instagram Marketing Strategy blind. Like any other marketing activity, have a defined strategy or marketing goal for building your coaching brand on Instagram. Is it brand awareness? Driving traffic to your site? Selling products?

    Instagram is different from all other social media sites. You can only have one link in your bio. Use it wisely and align it to your brand goals and marketing strategy. For me, my Instagram Marketing Strategy is to provide value and drive website traffic.

  3. Post At Least 1-2 Times a Day - Your audience will check their IG accounts at different times during the day. Post often. At least 1-2 times per day. Pictures and stories. But, ensure you are posting at the appropriate times. Know your audience. After several months of posting, you can check Instagram’s analytics to refine the times you post.

    Consistency is a key element to getting your posts seen and appearing at the top of the timeline.

  4. Reciprocity - Search Instagram for prospects in your coaching niche. Comment on their photos. Build a relationship. In business and in life, reciprocity goes a long way. By supporting and commenting on other people’s photos, they will return the favor.

  5. Engagement - As with all social media, you need to engage your followers. Engaging with followers is a Social Selling tactic. If they comment or like, thank them on the comments or DMs. In your IG Stories, create ways to generate conversation. Interact and provide value.

  6. Collaborate & Co-Brand - Find brands, businesses, or other coaches to collaborate with or co-brand. Consider joining forces with a local business and charity to co-promote an event.

  7. Create a Unique Hashtag - Of course, you should have your brand hashtag and use it often. You can also create hashtags for specific events, contests, niches, etc. This leads me to the next one …

  8. Use Niche Hashtags - People get caught up finding the right hashtag. Whatever you do, don't pay a dime for hashtag services. Use this amazing thing called “The Google.” Just throw in your search, “Popular Instagram Hashtags for - Insert Niche Here.” You’ll find plenty of information. Read through a few articles and find the hashtags that fit your marketing goals or brand.

  9. User-Generated Content - Ask for, use, and give credit to user-generated pics and videos. You can do this by generating a specific hashtag. Then, once people start using your hashtag, repost images from your followers while giving them credit.

  10. Ask Your Followers on Other Social Media to Follow Your Instagram - This is simple, but sometimes a forgotten tactic. Your audience might not realize they aren’t following your Instagram. Or, they might not realize you have an Instagram. Either way, get on your other social media platforms and ask them to follow you.

  11. Run a Contest - I don’t know about you, but almost every day I see people on all social media sites sharing photos or posts b/c they might win something. Same concept here … people love contests! So find something to give away that your followers want. Give them a reason to share, post, comment, etc.

  12. Create Cool Graphics - Use Canva to design amazing Instagram posts, pictures, and graphics.

    You can sign up for a free Canva Pro Account by clicking the picture below.


Has your coaching brand had a positive experience with Instagram Marketing? What would you recommend to other brands?

Stewart Swayze

Some links in this post contain affiliate links. We receive a commission if you decide to purchase the product. This will not impact your customer experience.

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