Personal Brand Statement Examples

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What is a personal brand statement?

A personal brand statement is a concise summary that answers who you are, what you do, how you help, and what sets you apart. A personal brand statement is 1-3 sentences that speak to your ideal audience that shows your value and a little bit of personality.

When you write your statement, think of it as your personal slogan or tagline.

For example, my personal brand statement is, "As a personal branding coach, I help entrepreneurs and online experts build their brand, become thought leaders, and market themselves online. With my coaching, you become the cause of your success."

In my personal brand statement example, I point out who I am, "a Personal Branding Coach." 

Then, I identify my ideal clients, "entrepreneurs and online experts." My clients own businesses or are experts in their chosen field that need to gain exposure through personal branding. 

Next, I identify what I do, help my clients build their personal brand, become thought leaders, and market themselves online.

Last, I provide what sets me apart and the unique outcome my clients receive from me and not my competition, " you become the cause of your success..." 

I work with my clients on marketing themselves online AND on the mental parts of taking control of their lives. 

You see, I can teach you all the marketing and personal branding you want.  

But, if you don't...

  • Take control of your life, or someone else will.

  • Learn from their past, but leave it there.

  • Envision a new life, then make a plan to achieve your vision.

  • Remember, bumps in the road make you stronger.

  • Move forward one day at a time.

Then, you'll never "Become the cause of your success."

That's how I differentiate my brand from the competition.

Why You Need a Personal Brand Statement

I review social media profiles and websites all the time. Almost every day.

You have no idea how many profiles and websites just blend into a giant sea of the "same shit, different day." 

Rarely do I come across a unique profile that has a personal brand statement where I think..."Hell yes! This person gets it." 

Your personal brand statement is a small but essential piece of the puzzle when marketing yourself online. It helps you stand out from your peers and competition.

You can spread your statement across social media, your website, business cards, advertising, marketing materials, etc. 

You can expand your 1-3 sentence brand statement to provide more information on your website. 

Conversely, you can split up your statement to make a quick tagline for a business card or short social media content. 

Sometimes, I use "Become the cause of your success" on its own. Alternatively, I use "I help you build your personal brand and market yourself online."

Once you have a solid personal brand statement, you can remain "on brand" and stay consistent. Yet, adjust your message depending on the audience, goals, or the content you are creating.

Personal Brand Statement Examples

From these examples of personal brand statements, you'll see that some are a one-sentence jab. While others expand to three sentences, a jab, jab, right hook.

1. Neil Patel

Example of Personal Brand Statement Neil Patel.png

“Do you want more traffic? Hey, I'm Neil Patel. I'm determined to make a business in Tulsa successful. My only question is, will it be yours?”

Neil poses a question first. The question stops his ideal audience in their tracks and they think…" Hell yes I want more traffic." 

Next, he introduces himself and tells you what he does, "make a business in Tulsa successful."

Neil even uses technology to personalize the message to your location, "Tulsa." 

Last, he asked you another question using a little psychology to make you want to reach out or know more.


2. Pat Flynn

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“Hi! I'm Pat Flynn. Father, Husband, Serial Entrepreneur, and devourer of buffalo wings. I turn dreamers into achievers. Let's create something great together, and have fun doing it, too.”

Pat shows some fun personality with his brand statement. Showing your personality makes you human. It helps you connect with your audience.

Once Pat makes that connection, he adds his experience and how you can work with him.


3. Marie Forleo

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“The world needs a special gift that only you have. Hi, I'm Marie. An entrepreneur, writer, philanthropist and an unshakable optimist dedicated to helping you become the person you most want to be.”

In Marie’s personal branding statement, she tugs at the heartstrings of her audience. She gets emotional which brings you into her world.

Using emotion is another great way to connect. Don’t be afraid to use this type of emotion in your brand statement.


4. Ramit Sethi

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I will teach you to be rich. Do you know your earning potential?

Boom! Talk about hitting it out of the park! Who doesn’t want to be rich?

Ramit keeps his initial statement simple. He asks a question everyone will say “yes” to…

Then, he gets you in his funnel by asking you to submit your email address.


5. Joel Runyon

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“Push Your Limits. I travel the world, run ultra marathons, and build businesses.”

Joel keeps his personal brand statement simple too. But he nails his target audience with the picture and text “Push Your Limits.”

There’s a certain audience he’s going after. He wants people ready for the extreme.


6. John Romaniello

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“At Roman Fitness Systems, we do two things: Make People Hot or Get People Huge. Choose wisely.” 

John gives you two choices, do you want to be hot or get huge? I like it. Imagine the conversation if someone asked John, “So what do you do?”

John: “Well, I make people hot or get them huge. Which one do you want to be?”

Quite the bold, yet authentic conversation starter.


7. Tony Robbins

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“Master every area of your life. Solutions to fit your time, your lifestyle and your budget.”

Tony’s personal branding statement is a little different. He’s been around a long time. His statement reflects both his depth and breadth.

Plus, he reveals to his audience that there are options to fit any budget.

When you get as big as Tony Robbins, your personal brand statement can be broader too. Until then, I’d keep it as narrow and targeted as possible.

Tips on writing a personal brand statement

Be concise. Whether you're speaking with someone in person or writing your brand statement on your website, resume, or social media profile, your personal brand statement needs to grab their attention. So keep your personal brand statement simple, short, and highly targeted. Once you grab their attention, you can go deeper.

Be authentic.. Your personal brand statement is the first step in building your know, like, and trust factor. Start off on the right foot. Don't understate your abilities or brag, but for the love of all that is good in this world, don't overstate either. Connect by being real.

Be unique. Stand out from all the same shit different day stuff out there. Find a way to differentiate yourself. Show a little bit of your personality. Being unique also goes back to being authentic. When you're unique, you'll attract your ideal audience and make genuine connections. 

Be flexible. Your personal brand statement will change over time. As you grow personally and professionally, your personal brand will change as well. You will need to adapt your brand statement to reflect your growth.

Be rebellious. Don't be scared to break the rules. Read, watch, learn from experts like me. But, make your personal brand statement your own. Be humble, but a little eccentric or contrarian. Test, Pivot, Test, Pivot. 

Now, it's time to turn it over to you. I hope this article helped by providing a few examples of personal brand statements that you can model.

If you want help building your brand and marketing yourself online, click below to schedule a free 30-minute strategy session.

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